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Hi I'm Sharon, full-time artist, textile artist, sewing teacher and pattern designer. I founded Raggy Robin back in 2014 with the first pattern I launched on Etsy. Since then the catalogue of patterns has grown and I've taught hundreds of people to sew (and quilt) around the North East of England. Lately I've had the chance to return to my love of painting and have been incorporating this into my work too. As a lover of whimsy art, I can't get enough of cute, adorable and fun pictures that just brighten my day. I can show you how to make some of these too! Want to know more?


We only have one life! Now that's a scary thought, well it is for me. I needed to do something fulfilling, so with a background in Environmental Studies and a PGCE in teaching, mix that together with lessons in sewing from a very early age (taught by my Nana) and watching my Dad  paint as he was an artist, It all culminated in who I am today. 


Passionate about the planet and worried sick about the loss of plants and wildlife I had to try and do something with my time to help. The overriding message I took away from my Environmental course was to think globally, but act locally. So what could I do?


Raggy Robin Began. Raggy - because I hate waste and Robin because of my name of course, but I realised that not a lot of people my age knew how to sew and there wasn't much in the way of any classes in my area either. So I thought I'd give it a go and the rest as they say is history. But everyone I've ever taught is always told that no amount of scrap fabric should ever be wasted as there is so much you can do with it and I've taught them so many ways to save and use up their scraps. Fabric pictures, art, repairs, even miniature bedding for dolls houses! Oh yes I've been there too. I will hopefully get around to listing some of the bedding sets on the website at some point, but if you are interested just ask.


Well I can definitely say that I found my purpose with my business, as well as my passion and I hope I can inspire you to pick up a needle too - if not a paint brush??

What could I do to help the planet? 
I taught people to sew and use up every piece of scrap fabric in lot's of different ways.

'The Ice Cream Stop'

A new watercolour painting for spring 2024. (Prints are now available).
Framed Ice Cream Stop - Copy.jpg
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